Diablo 2 Inventory Mod

Diablo II Mods. There have been dozens of Diablo 2 mods over the years, most of which are no longer active and will not work with the current game version. The older ones can still be played, but you must generally reinstall Diablo 2 and only patch up to the point that the mod supports. In the topic it was declared thar Giga Inventory mod doesn't likely work. The 'data' folder with all it's content to your diablo 2 installation folder.

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Published by GameFront.com 8 years ago , last updated 1 year ago

Posted on August 23, 2011, CJ Miozzi Top 10 Best Diablo 2 Mods

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To satiate your Diablo craze as you eagerly await the Diablo 3 beta or an announced release date, we’ve put together this list of the ten best Diablo 2 mods created over the past decade. Have fun with these, because there will be absolutely no Diablo 3 mods allowed. If you’re one of those gamers who is boycotting all Blizzard products on account of the Diablo 3 auction house fiasco, then you can take solace in the fact that playing D2 mods provides Blizzard with no residual income.

This blast from the past takes your Diablo 2 for a ride in a DeLorean, rocketing it back to the days of the original Diablo and its expansion, Hellfire. The mod is designed to recreate the feel of the original games, complete with familiar monster graphics and sounds.

This mod brings elements of tabletop Dungeons & Dragons into Diablo 2 — elements from games like Baldur’s Gate and Icewind Dale. If you’re a fan of old-school RPGs, this should tickle your d20 fancy.

Here’s a mod that changes Diablo 2′s overall balance, items and skill system. Each class receives new class-specific items, magic and unique items have been reworked, and drops and monster stats have been altered.

This mod includes over 400 unique items, 33 complete sets, and a new type of item called a “soul” that almost every monster drops. Each soul has abilities related to the monster it came from, and these skills can be used by the player when the soul is equipped in the ring slot. Further, the max skill level cap is raised to 99, and the max level cap is raised to a staggering 750. Sweet mother of mercy — just getting to level 90 was a chore.

This mod “only” raises the level cap to 150, revises monster and boss stats, provides hirelings with a full inventory, and adds new graphics for every Elite Unique item. 123 music download malayalam mp3. The goal was to provide a more difficult experience, while also introducing gameplay changes. Each class have three “sub-classes” and 51 passive skills.

Click to page 2 for the top 5 Diablo 2 mods!

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