Arduino Hx711 Weight Scale Interface 1 0 Software
Connect all components as per the circuit diagram. Programming part is critical. In Calibration open the calibration sketch upload with out any load on the tray. Then put some known weight element then open serial port increment or decremented the calibration factor util you see the known value.
Arduino Uno-based electronic weighing machine by 5-wire 3 kg load cell.
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About this project
I want to know about the electronic components weight. So I decided to do my own weighing machine :)
To do that you have to download some libraries which are listed below
Connect all components as per the circuit diagram.
Programming part is critical Mass effect crack galaxy map fix.
1. Calibration
In Calibration open the calibration sketch upload with out any load on the tray. Then put some known weight element then open serial port increment or decremented the calibration factor util you see the known value.
For example if you put 250gram weight, on first time it will give 400 gram or 1kg before calibration. You use a, s, d, f or z, x, c, v keys to correct the calibration level until you get 250 grams from 400gram or 1kg. Then just note down the calibration factor.
2. Actual Sketch
Put the calibrated value xxxxxxx on this line and upload thats all..
3. To reset the tare value I use one push button.
<_e_26CL >Code
Boaz Lawnce
- 11 projects
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- Sponsership by Nissi Embedded Lab
Published on
September 4, 2018Write a comment
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