Drama Atas Nama Cinta

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Agus R. Sarjono (born 27 July 1962 in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia) is an Indonesianpoet and author.[1] In 1988, he graduated from Department of Indonesian Literature of IKIP Bandung, and then finished his postgraduate program in Universitas Indonesia at the faculty of literature and cultural studies in 2002.

He writes poems, short stories, essays, critics, and drama, which have been published in Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, and several journals in Germany, France, Netherlands, Poland, England, and the United States. His poems are included in more than twenty anthologies.

He works as a lecturer in the Theatre Department of STSI Bandung, as an editor of the literary magazine, Horison, and as the Program Director of The Jakarta Arts Council for the period of 2002–2006. He was a writer-in-residence at the International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS) in Leiden from February through October 2001, courtesy of Poets of All Nations Foundation. From December 2002 to March 2003 he stayed in Langenbroich, Germany, as a guest writer of The Heinrich-Böll-Foundation.

  • 1Works



  • Kenduri Airmata (Tears Feast, 1994, 1996);
  • Suatu Cerita dari Negeri Angin (A Story from the Country of the Wind, 2001, 2003);
  • A Story from the Country of the Wind (English edition, 2001).
  • Frische Knochen aus Banyuwangi (translated into German by Berthold Damshäuser and Inge Duempel, edited by Martin Jankowski, Berlin 2003). ISBN3-933149-31-2
  • Diterbangkan Kata-kata (Flying by Words, 2005);


  • Bahasa dan Bonafiditas Hantu (Language and The Bonafidity of Ghosts, 2001);
  • Sastra dalam Empat Orba (Literature in The Four Stages of New Order Regime, 2001).


  • Atas Nama Cinta (In the Name of Love, 2004).

Conferences, festivals and readings[edit]

  • “Asean Writers Conference” in Manila (1995)
  • “Istiqlal International Poetry Reading”, Jakarta (1995)
  • “Ipoh Arts Festival III”, Negeri Perak, Malaysia (1998)
  • “The Netherlands-Indonesian Poetry Night” in Erasmus Huis, Jakarta (1998)
  • “Festival de Winternachten”, Den Haag (1999 and 2005)
  • “Poetry on the Road”, Bremen (2001)
  • “internationales literaturfestival berlin” (international literature festival berlin) (2001).
  • 'The Dubai International Poetry Festival' (2009)
  • He has also recited poems and discussion in several universities and art centers in Germany, France, The Netherlands, Finland, Egypt, Thailand, Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam.

As Editor[edit]

  • Saini KM: Puisi dan Beberapa Masalahnya/Poetry and Some of its Problematics (1993)
  • Catatan Seni/Notes on Arts (1996)
  • Kapita Selekta Teater /Capita Selecta Theater (1996)
  • Pembebasan Budaya-budaya Kita /The Liberation of Our Cultures (1999)
  • Horison Sastra Indonesia 1-4/ The Horizon of Indonesian Literature 1-4 (2002), Horison Esai Indonesia 1-2 /The Horizon of Indonesian Essays 1-2 (2004)
  • Teater tanpa Masa Silam / Theatre without previous times (2005)


  1. ^Voûte, Linda (July 2001). 'Agus Sarjono: The poet who eavesdropped on a conversation between a golf course and a daisy'. International Institute for Asian Studies Newsletter #25. Retrieved 4 January 2011.

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Denny Januar Ali

4 January 1963 (age 57)
EducationLLB – University of Indonesia
MPA – University of Pittsburgh
PhD – Ohio State University
OrganizationLingkaran Survei Indonesia

Denny Januar Ali, known as Denny JA (born 4 January 1963 in Palembang, South Sumatra) is an intellectual entrepreneur and best-selling author. He holds records in the academic, political, social media, literature and cultural worlds in Indonesia.[1]

Denny JA was named by TIME magazine in 2015 as one of 30 most influential people on the Internet. Included in the list were US President Barack Obama, President of Argentine Christina Fernandez de Kirchner, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and some world celebrities such as Shakira, Taylor Swift, and Justin Bieber. This recognition was regarding his role in utilizing social media in shaping public opinion and polls in Indonesia's 2014 presidential election.[2]

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In late July 2015, Denny JA's book Fang Yin's Handkerchief[3] (English and German edition) become the no. 1 best-seller in Amazon.com kindle book poetry, enjoying the same position as the books written by legendary poets such as William Shakespeare, Rumi, Khalil Gibran, and Edgar Allan Poe.

In 2014, he was awarded by Twitter inc as The World No 2 Golden Tweet 2014, and the No 1 in Indonesia. He was also awarded by MURI as the first and the only political consultant in the world helping and winning presidential election three times in a row. In his case, the presidential elections he was involved were in Indonesia in 2004, 2009, and 2014. In the same year, he was chosen as one of 33 the most influential literature figures in Indonesian history by a team of eight ( a team of prominent poets, critics and academicians). Denny JA is also known as a social activist promoting and campaigning non-discrimination movement and funding this movement by his own money after he is successful as a businessman.


In the academic world, Denny JA founded the Indonesian Survey Foundation (LSI, Lembaga Survei Indonesia 2003),[4] the Indonesian Survey Circle (LSI, Lingkaran Survei Indonesia 2005),[5] the Public Association of Opinion Research (AROPI, 2007),[6] and the Indonesian Political Consultancy Association (AKPI, 2009).[7] Through these four organisations Denny JA has become known as the founding father of a new tradition in Indonesian public opinion surveying and political consultancy.[8] As well as founding these four important institutions, he also served as their leader for the first period.

Denny JA popularised the quantitative social science that has been able to predict the winners of local and general elections in Indonesia since 2004.[9] He predicted the winner of the 2009 presidential election one month before it took place. The incumbent President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, predicted Denny JA, will win in just one round. He went massively public with his prediction in the newspapers and on national TV. His prediction was the hottest topic of conversation during the 2009 presidential elections[10] and even became the subject of an official debate between the presidential candidates which was aired by many national TV stations. His prediction was accurate, and Denny JA was awarded the title of News Maker of the 2009 Election by the Indonesian Association of Journalists.[11]In the political world (2004–2012), Denny JA has been dubbed a king maker[12] thanks to his instrumental role in the victories of two presidents (2004, 2009), 23 governors out of the 33 Indonesian provinces, and 51 regents and mayors.[13] Through his entrepreneurship he has turn political consultancy into a new profession, and an effective one.[8]

Denny JA also scored a hit when he overturned articles contained in both the 2009 Law on Legislative Elections and the 2009 Law on Presidential Elections. Twice the Constitutional Court ruled in favour of Denny JA in his position as chairman of the association of survey institutions (AROPI). Articles which restricted academic freedom, such as those banning the quick count on the day of the election were overturned by the Constitutional Court.[14]

He also holds the MURI record for being the first person to bring Indonesian literature into the social media era. His book of poetry, Atas Nama Cinta (2012) was the first which could be accessed on smartphones through Twitter. In less than one month, puisi-esai.com[15] gained over one million hits.[16] In less than six months, the website received over four million hits. This has never been achieved before by any book, especially a book of literature. Especially a book of poetry.[17]

Since 2012 Denny JA has been active in the anti-discrimination movement. He founded the Denny JA Foundation for an Indonesia Without Discrimination, which publishes a variety of cultural works including poetry, dramas, songs, photographs, paintings and films, which spread modern concepts of equality and legal protection for citizens, whatever their social identity.[18]


Denny JA began his career as an Executive Director of Jayabaya University in Jakarta from 2000–2003 and functioned as a columnist for nine national newspapers between 1986–2005. He also hosted political programs on Metro TV and Radio Delta FM from 2002 to 2004. He also entered the fields of surveying and political consultancy, and since 2005 has been an Executive Director of Lingkaran Survei Indonesia (LSI), the first research and political consultancy institution on a national scale in Indonesia. Up to 2013 Denny JA has also served as a member of WAPOR (the World Association for Public Opinion Research) since 2007, and chairperson of AROPI (the Indonesian Association for Public Opinion Research) from 2007–2010, and 2010–2013.

In 2012 Denny JA made a splash in the worlds of academia, politics, business, literary culture, social media and charity, often pioneering new traditions in these fields.[19]

Personal life[edit]

Denny JA is married to Mulia Jayaputri, and they have two sons, Rafi Moeslim Auliya Denny and Ramy Bary Denny. Denny JA is known among his intimate circle as a family man, and often makes time to spend with his wife and children.

Books and other works[edit]

  • Complete list of Denny JA's works: talks, movies, books, poems, theater, etc.: Klik disini
  • Membangun Demokrasi Sehari-hari Opini: Media Indonesia, LKis, 2006
  • Partai Politik pun Berguguran Opini: Republika, LKiS, 2006
  • Membaca Isu Politik (Reading about Political Issues) (Denny JA, LKiS), 2006
  • Election Watch, Meretas Jalan Demokrasi Talk Show: Metro TV, Pustaka Sinar Harapan, 2006
  • Gerakan Mahasiswa dan Politik Kaum Muda Era 80-an (the Student Movement and Youth Politics in the 80s) (Denny JA, LKiS), 2006


  • No. 1 Best Seller Book on Amazon.com - Fang Yin's Handkerchief (English and German Edition), July 2015.
  • Awarded by TIME magazine as one of the 30 most influential people on the Internet, together with the US President Barack Obama, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Shakira, etc., 2015.[2]
  • Awarded by Twitter Inc. as the 2014 World Golden Tweet, no. 2. His tweet gets the most RT-ed in the World, second only to Elen deGeneres' tweet.[20]
  • Award for achievement and pioneering social science research Indonesia from the Indonesian Christian University (UKI), 2011[21]
  • Newsmaker of The Election Award 2009 from Persatuan Wartawan Indonesia: PWI Jaya, 2009[22][23][24][25]
  • Civil Society Award 2009 from Forum Keadilan magazine: Forum Keadilan, 2009[26][27][28]
  • Life Achievement Award 2008 from Biographi Politik magazine, 2008[29][30]
  • Award from Masyarakat Ilmu Pemerintahaan Indonesia: MIPI, 2007[31][32]
  • PKS Award from Partai Keadilan Sejahtera for his contribution to new traditions in national politics through public opinion polling: PKS, 2007[33]
  • MO Award from Men's Obsession (MO) Magazine for his contribution to new traditions in national politics through public opinion polling, 2006[34]
  • Political Entrepreneur Award from Rakyat Merdeka for his contribution to new traditions in national politics for research in provincial election districts, which resulted in surveys and political consultancy becoming a central element of provincial and district elections (Pilkada) from Aceh to Papua, 2006[35]
  • Indonesian Records (MURI) in the fields of academia, public opinion, political consultancy, social media and literature[36][37][38][39][40][41]


  1. ^[1] Lihat dua puluh lima rekor MURI yang ia peroleh di aneka bidang
  2. ^ ab[2]Time magazine list of 30 most influential people in the Internet
  3. ^[3]Fang Yin's Handkerchief on Amazon
  4. ^[4] Akte Lembaga Survei Indonesia 17 September 2003
  5. ^[5] Eksecutive Director LSI
  6. ^[6][7] Denny JA Ketua Umum AROPI
  7. ^[8][9][10] Denny JA Ketua Umum AKPI
  8. ^ abLihat Majalah Tempo Edisi 30 Juli-5 Agustus [11] dan buku Fransiskus Surdiasis, Ulin Ni'am Yusron, Rusdi Mathari, 'Enam Ikon Pembawa Tradisi Baru Jakarta: Sinar Harapan, hlm 91–126 [12]
  9. ^d'Maestro Magazine: Denny J.A, Man of Year 2007 , December 2007, pp 18–29
  10. ^[13] Pemilihan Presiden 2009: Gerakan Pilpres Satu Putaran Denny J.A
  11. ^[14] Denny JA Dapat Penghargaan 'PWI Jaya Award 2009'
  12. ^[15]Archived 24 March 2013 at the Wayback Machine King Maker
  13. ^[16] Galeri Ucapan Terima kasih
  14. ^[17] Denny JA – Judicial Review AROPI publisher=YouTube
  15. ^'puisi-esai.com - This website is for sale! - puisi-esai Resources and Information'. www.puisi-esai.com.
  16. ^'Artikel'. Lsi.co.id. Archived from the original on 1 September 2012. Retrieved 20 October 2012.
  17. ^[18] In less than six months, the website received over four million hits
  18. ^[19] Denny JA: Indonesia Tanpa Diskriminasi (60 dtk)
  19. ^[20] Majalah d'Maestro Denny J.A, Man of Year 2007, December 2007, hlm 18–29
  20. ^[21] Golden Tweet 2014 Indonesia
  21. ^[22][23][]the Indonesian Christian University (UKI)Award
  22. ^'ANTARA News: Denny JA Dapat Penghargaan PWI Jaya Award 2009'. 16 July 2009. Archived from the original on 16 July 2009.CS1 maint: BOT: original-url status unknown (link)
  23. ^'PWI Jakarta Beri Award ke Denny JA'.
  24. ^[24]
  25. ^[25][26] Newsmaker of The Election Award 2009 from Persatuan Wartawan Indonesia
  26. ^'Slank, Denny JA, dan ICW Dianugerahi 'Civil Society Award 2009''.
  27. ^'KapanLagi.com: Video Bimbim Slank - Denny JA, Slank - Civil Society Award 2009'. selebriti.kapanlagi.com.
  28. ^[27] Civil Society Award 2009 from Forum Keadilan magazine: Forum Keadilan, 2009
  29. ^[28]
  30. ^[29] Life Achievement Award 2008 from Biographi Politik magazine, 2008
  31. ^'Bang Fauzi Bowo - Abangnya Jakarta - 6 Tokoh Penganugerahan MIPI Award'. 9 April 2013. Archived from the original on 9 April 2013.
  32. ^[30] MIPI Awards
  33. ^'Archived copy'. Archived from the original on 24 April 2014. Retrieved 2 October 2012.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link) Detiknews : PKS: Award untuk SBY Bukan Lobi
  34. ^[31] MO Award from Men's Obsession (MO) Magazine
  35. ^[32] Politicavl Entrepreneur Award from Rakyat Merdeka
  36. ^MURIWeb. 'MURI'. www.muri.org.
  37. ^[33]
  38. ^MURIWeb. 'MURI'. www.muri.org.
  39. ^[34]
  40. ^MURIWeb. 'MURI'. www.muri.org.
  41. ^'28 Rekor Muri LSI, Denny JA dan Aropi - LSI'. lsi.co.id.
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