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The Southern Galaxy has fallenunder Super Saiyan attack.

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T-then, the SouthernGalaxy really is being..

At this rate..

..even my Northern Galaxywill be destroyed!

Break through the shiningclouds, and fly away (fly away)

As a panorama spreadsitself throughout my being

The earth, having been kickedin the face, gets angry (angry)

And makes one of itsvolcanoes explode!

If, within the thawed polar ice,

There is a dinosaur, then I want totrain him to balance atop a ball.


No matter what may happen, I feelas though nothing can bother me,


However hard your chest pounds,the Genki Dama will roar!


The emptier your head is, the moreroom there is to pack with dreams,


With a cheerful face and an Ultra-Z,today is ai-yai-yai-yai-yai..


Burn Up!! Hot Fight, FierceFight, Super Violent Fight

Goku-sa, today's a big day, when they're holdin' interviews with us as guardians!

Us parents are bein' tested.

But Gohan and Bulma and the othersare off having a flower-viewing party.

I wanted to go too.

Chichi, how soon?

We still gotta wait anothertwo hours. Could be even more.

Aww, that long? This outfit hasme so cramped I can't stand it!

My neck is getting stiff.

We gotta keep a properappearance about ourselves.

What's more, you gotta answerlike we were practicin' last night,

or else Gohan-chan won'tqualify for this cram school!

Goku-sa, let's practice again.'What are the father's hobbies?'

A hobby means something Ilike to do, right?

That would have to befighting against strong guys!

Don't say somethin' like that! Answer'My hobbies are reading and sports'.

Whoa, now!Whoosh, there we go!

He's more than just adirty old man, huh?

T-there, what do you think?Mighty fine plate spinning, huh?

Wow, nice, nice! You're good!

Goku-sa, our turn's comin' next afternext after next after next after this!

Chichi, I'm hungry!

Put up with it a little longer!

Goku-sa, what areyour hobbies?

I can answer readingand sports to that, right?

That's the way! Ahem, 'So then,what are your favorite words?'


I ain't got any favoritewords in particular.

When it comes to food, there's allkinds of things that I like, though!

No, no, no! You can't besayin' that!




These three!' is whatyou gotta answer!

You got that?

Chichi, is this interviewthing a fibbing contest?

Aah, my head's startin' to hurt.

Well, shall we go on back?

We can't do that!

# And now, my.. #

# desire is that.. #

He's quite good!

He has a way of singingall his own.

He's really that good?

Go, Kuririn!

Best in all Japan!

#..on ivory wings.. #

Kuririn, you rat, you'renot getting away with this!

# In the sky above.. #

#..I wish to spreadforth my wings and go.. #

#..once again, to your town,as the freedom of the sky.. #


What do you all want?

We have been searchingfor you, Prince Vegeta.

#.. once again, to your town, as thefreedom of the sky, on my wings.. #

You're Saiyan, aren't you?

I am Paragas.

#.. I wish to go! #

I've been makin' Gohan undergo aSpartan way of studyin' so that in the end,

he will turn out to bea superb scientist, yes.

Goku.. Goku, can you hear me?


It's sure been a while, huh?

Goku, something terrible has happened!Please come to my world right away!

That's easy for you to say! I'm ina tight spot here right now myself!

If I don't answer right,

Chichi ain't going to feed me fora quite a long while, after all..

If it's food you want, I'll feedyou as much of it as you like!

The Earth may even be destroyedover this! Please come quickly!

Oh, that is terrible!

And so, I absolutely wanthim attendin' this seminar!

If I may, what are the father's hobbies?


Ah, my hobbies are, um.. reading and..

That's it, that's it!


Chichi, sorry, butsomething's come up suddenly.

Kaio-sama.. Kaio-sama.. Kaio-sama..

Ma'am, is your husbanda magician or something?

Reading and sports are his hobbies!

Hey, Goku, that was quick!What's with that outfit?

Well, you see..

Ooh, that's a relief!

These clothes really are best for me.

Getting right to it, Goku..

Kaio-sama, I'm starving!

We have come to implore you tobe king over New Planet Vegeta.

What? New Planet Vegeta!?

Why don't we show the universethe supremacy of the most powerfulwarrior race, the Saiyans, once again?

By your hand, we will raise themightiest empire in the universe!

You are the only one who can defeatthe Legendary Super Saiyan, King Vegeta!

Legendary Super Saiyan?

He is wreaking havoc allover an area of the SouthernGalaxy with his fearsome power.

At his pace, even the New PlanetVegeta that we worked to establish willfall to the Legendary Super Saiyan..

Dad! You mustn't fall for such a story!

Paragas, lead on!



Be our guest as well, PrinceTrunks, of the blood of King Vegeta.

Vegeta! I'm going too!

Please don't say such crazy thingswhile under the influence of alcohol!

Really, you drunken old lush!

See here, let me aboard!

Vegeta! Vegeta!

What's this about a New Planet Vegeta?It's just foolishness, isn't it?

Mom, I'll be sure to bring Dad back here.


The Southern Galaxyattacked by a Super Saiyan?

Mm. He's already finishedtearing up the Southern Galaxy,

and appears to be aftermy Northern Galaxy next.

Oh yeah?

Goku, it's possible that his power mayeven be greater than that of you guys.

Wow! He's that strong!?

This is no time for you to get elated!I want you to investigate this.

Where should I go to meet this guy?

I don't know.

Kaio-sama, don't you know everything?

Of course I do.

First go check the Southern Galaxy.

Your Instantaneous Movementwill get you there right away.

Right, if I seek out a Saiyan Ki, huh?

Kaio-sama, which way is itto the Southern Galaxy again?

That way.

The Southern Galaxy is that way, is it?

There it is. It's weak, butit's definitely a Saiyan Ki.

I'll be back shortly.

Goku, I'm counting on you!

He ain't here, but for him toleave this incredible a Ki behind..

This is the Ki I felt.

It could be like Kaio-sama was saying,his power is higher than even ours!

It has been 30 years since PlanetVegeta was destroyed by Freeza.

It has been my greatest desireto rebuild a New Planet Vegeta.

I believed it was the only way Icould repay your distinguished father,

King Vegeta, who was so regrettably lost.

Now that you have joined us here, myearnest wishes have been fulfilled.

Hey, Oolong, can't you hold me still?

Aw, I haven't gottenover my spacesickness!

You were the one whodecided to get on that thing!

What an utterly bothersome old man!

King Vegeta, Banzai!!

King Vegeta, these ruffians havegathered themselves here fromthe far reaches of the galaxy,

and have been waitinghere to be your servants.

My son. Please make use ofhim any way you see fit.

I am Broli.

You appear to be Saiyan too.


Amazing, huh?

Ooh, the pain!

I'm so dizzy.. Someone giveme some hangover medicine!

Here you are.

Oh, strong stuff, that medicine!

I have an announcement! The SuperSaiyan has appeared on Planet Totokama!


I am leaving immediately to subjugate theLegendary Super Saiyan! Broli, follow me.

Dad! It's dangerousto take off so blindly!

What if we waited until moreinformation is gathered?

Cowards need not comealong! Broli, hurry up!


They're flying off again.That Vegeta sure is a restless one, huh?

Oolong, that headachemedicine of yours worked well!

But now my head is poundingfrom the medicine rush!

I wonder if this LegendarySuper Saiyan really exists.

Don't you think there's toomuch to this story to be true?

I have the same feeling. But Dadseems to believe it all completely.

Any way you look at it, it'snot much of a planet, is it?

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The cities we saw from space were theruins of these buildings, weren't they?

Why do you suppose this Paragas person

decided to create a Saiyannation on this kind of planet?

Hm, what's that over there?

Looks like they're drawingenergy out of the ground.

I wonder where they're sending it.

I know, the palace! That's why itis the only place with any greenery!


I'm okay.

W- we ain't loafing off here!Gramps just ain't in very good shape!

It's okay, we aren'toverseers or anything like that!

You know, it's no use trying to build anation on a desolate planet like this.

Is that my concern?

We were brought here after theSuper Saiyan devastated our planet!

They don't even give usanything to eat very often.

Saiyans, they're thedevils of the universe!

Kid, stop goofing off!


Shamo ain't to blame! It's my fault!

You mean to defy me!?

Stop it!

How can you do such a terrible thing!?

You'd better give it up!We're all very strong!



G- Goku, what are you doing here!?

I ain't sure myself.I was following a Saiyan Ki..

Why is it you guys arehere, for that matter?

Vegeta was asked to defeatthe Legendary Super Saiyan.

Has Kaio-sama asked Vegeta too?

How good of you to come, Kakarrot.

Or rather, Son Goku.

How do you know of me?You're a Saiyan, right?

You're the child of Burdock, aren't you?

Would you care for some supper?

Come to mention it, I am hungry!

Well then, at you leisure..

Hmm, it ain't Paragas.The Ki I felt wasn't from Paragas.

Huh? Goku, if you aren'teating, I'll have yours!

No way, I'm starving!

The one who attacked yourplanet, it wasn't Paragas?


This too, this too!

Shamo, I'll bring you some more later, okay?


It couldn't be Broli,with his battle power..

Is it really how Paragas says, that thereis some other Legendary Super Saiyan?

Good! That's the way!Draw near quickly, Comet Gumori!

Y- you can't mean..

Moa, there is nothing to worry about.

You will get by without having toexperience that terror, after all.

Yes. After we relocate to Earth, Iwill continue to serve with all my might.

Do not misunderstand.

Dammit! There was neither formnor shadow of the Super Saiyan!

I am having all efforts taken toinvestigate his whereabouts now.

It will be just a while longer.

Yo, Vegeta!

Kakarrot, have you come all theway here just to have me kill you?

Vegeta, looks like you haven't foundthe Legendary Super Saiyan, huh?

Once I find the Legendary Super Saiyan,I will slaughter him! Do not interfere.

That Vegeta, he's stillwearing that tough face.

Take it easy, Broli.

Whoa, ow ow ow!

Hush, you! Ah, thereyou are, there you are!

Say, Paragas-san, we've gotten tiredof this world, so we're going home.

Please ready us aspaceship back, if you would.


I don't know what frame of mind you're into build an empire on a world like this!

That is enough. Please calmyour Ki and remove the device.

Paragas-sama, please stay calm!

According to the dataprovided by the computer,

the remote controller is not damaged.

By your will, you are free to eithercontain or release Broli's power.

Oh, you don't say.

The remote controlleris working perfectly.

Broli, what the hell isthe matter with you?

Could it be Kakarrot?

Does this mean that Broli'sinstincts as a Saiyan have beenawakened by Kakarrot's power,

and he is starting to overcomethe limits of my control?

If so, then all the troubleI've gone to will be..


Stop this, Broli!

Broli was the very model of aSaiyan. As he began to develop,

the extraordinary battlepower he was born with

increased and turned savage tothe same extent as I, his father,

felt terror towards him.

I had the scientist create a deviceso that I could freely control Broli.

Pop, what is it?


At last, by being able tomanipulate Broli's power at will,

I had obtained the power tocontrol the whole universe!

Assuming this controllerreally is working correctly,

it must have been hismeeting with Kakarrot..

Broli and Kakarrot were born on thesame day, one right after the other.

If it is Kakarrot..

I'm shocked by Paragas' son.

He's just been born, and yet hisbattle power is already 10,000.

Burdock's son, with a battle powerof only 2, made Paragas' son cry!

His battle power may be low,

but that kid who they namedKakarrot at least has a lot of guts!

Damn! The threads of destiny haveonce again intertwined here, have they?

The two infants, born on the sameday and laid down in adjoining beds..

No matter what, I must control Broli,or he will destroy the whole universe!


The Pichi-pichi gal has such smooth skin!


You're Broli!

Come on, stop messing around!

Oh, hell!

Cut it out! cute!

So his battle power rises all atonce, just like ours does, huh?


Aw, that's nasty! You're disgusting!

What I felt.. it's this Ki!

Stop this, Broli!

You're the one who destroyed theSouthern Galaxy, ain't you Broli?

Stop it, Brolly! Stop!


If this keeps up, no onewill be able to stop Broli!


Broli, we're going back to the palace.

He's the Super Saiyan that ranriot through the Southern Galaxy!

King Vegeta, please wait!

King, Vegeta, please wait,please wait until tomorrow!

No matter what, I have to keepVegeta nailed down here today,

until the collision of Comet Gumori!

By tomorrow, we should know whatplanet the Legendary Super Saiyan is on!



Vegeta, we're gettingtired of waiting for you!

We've been waiting herewithout even having breakfast!

Oh, I'm so hungry!

Ooh, it echoes good!

Vegeta, there ain't any need to leave.

The Legendary Super Saiyan is right here.

Kakarrot, I thought Itold you not to interfere!

Paragas, go on and tell Vegetaabout how Broli is the Super Saiyan.

That is absurd. King Vegeta, there isno way such a thing could be possible.

How could Broli, with a powerlower than my own, be a Super Saiyan?

King Vegeta, pleasereturn with me to the palace.


It's a sham!

Dad, having you ascend to king,and establishing a New Planet Vegeta,

it is all a lie!

What is over there are ruins!

Paragas had everything here builtusing these people to look like a city,

in order to deceive you, Dad!

I-it's him! He's the onewho devastated our world!

You've tricked me!

It looks as though as impulsive and rashas you are, you've finally grasped it.

Everything is just as your son has said.

I have no attachmentto this worthless planet.

The only reason I used this planet

was because I knew acomet would collide with it.

What I'm really after is Earth,in the Northern Galaxy, you see.

My plan from the outsetwas to move to Earth,

which has the most moderateenvironment and beauty in the universe,

and use it as a base fromwhich to establish my empire!

As such, it wouldn't do to haveEarth serve as a stage for battle.

In order for me to acquire it unharmed,

I even had this palace built andsummoned you all to this planet.

As for being King of Planet Vegeta,

it was a laugh for me to seeyou believe you were such!

Once I'd buried you herealong with New Planet Vegeta,

we would no longerhave a single foe left.

The Northern Galaxy, and of coursethe Eastern and Western Galaxies,

would be undivided under our rule,

and an empire belonging to meand Broli would stand for eternity!




The Legendary Super Saiyan!


He didn't so much asblink over Vegeta's attack!

I ain't Kakarrot! I am Son Goku!

Excellent! There is no longerany reason to wait for the comet!!

Use the power you have now andeliminate the Saiyans from this world!


No! Stop, Broli! Don'traise your Ki any higher!

Stop, Broli! Calm down!

The Legendary Super Saiyan!

Kakarrot, you will bethe first blood sacrifice!



The Legendary Super Saiyan!

We'll be killed! We'll all be killed!He is the Legendary Super Saiyan!

Hmph. As a pure Saiyan, Vegeta,

you're the only one who seems tohave instinctively caught on tothe might and barbarity of Broli.

However, it is already too late.

Now that Broli has gotten out of mycontrol, and become the Legendary Saiyan,

my plans to rule all the universe together with Broli-everything has come to an end.

To say nothing of the Earth,

Broli will not be contented untilhe's destroyed the entire universe.

You can not have known howbadly we, father and son,

hated your father King Vegeta.

Once he learned of Broli's incrediblebattle power, your father, King Vegeta..

Eliminate the son of Paragasfrom this world at once!

Paragas, what is your business?

Broli is certain to grow upto be an excellent warrior,

to be of service to the future ofPlanet Vegeta, and to Prince Vegeta!

I beg you to spare him!

That is why he is trouble.

King Vegeta!

Off with you as well,together into the Next World!

Thinking Broli was certain to be athreat to your position in the future,

your father conspired tokill us both, father and son.

And father and son, wewere disposed of like trash.

However, we survived.

Broli's great dormant powerpreserved us from the edge of death.

Ever since then, Vegeta,I have lived,

thinking only to take revengeagainst you and your father.

So, as you are torn to bits by Broli,

I invite you to experiencethe terror that is death.

If you guys don't demonstratethe will to fight me,

I will just destroy the whole planet!

You won't get away with this!

Stop it! There's no way you can win!

That's the LegendarySuper Saiyan, you know!

Watch closely.

Even in Hell, you won't see a showof butchery as entertaining as this.

It looks as though you'vefinally decided to fight.

Did you think you could defeatme with that level of power?

Broli, you've surprised me.You really are strong, huh?

So, shall we beginthe second round?

Come on now, you're heavy!

Run away, run away!Oh, I'm slipping, I'm slipping!


Oolong, Kuririn, whathappened to the Old Timer?

I'm right here, right here!

Looks like you're havinga tough battle of it, Goku.

Old Timer..

Broccoli, is it? Can youstand against me?

It's not 'Broccoli,' it's 'Broli'.

Ka.. me.. ha.. m..

..huh? Heyo! A-heyo!

Heyo! Heyo! Laugh, Laugh!Laugh your head off and you lose!

Goku! Muten Roshi-samais still drunk!

The slaves we broughtfrom Planet Shamo, huh?

You've gazed at the stars, wishingsome day to return there, haven't you?

It would be nice to go backsome day, wouldn't it?

Planet Shamo!

H-he's the devil!

If we let this guy live, he'llgo on destroying the whole universe!

We absolutely must win!

G-Goku, Gohan, Trunks, looks likewe're better off not being here!

Nah, looks like we're better offgetting away from this planet!

Kakarrot, is your son dear to you?

Gohan, run!

But Father!



G- Gohan!


I've been saving this one!

You're a bit persistent!

My Ki is rising. It's overflowing!

We left our box lunches from theflower- viewing party packed on that rocket.

Muten Roshi-sama, more importantthan that, we can't get back home.

And I was still in themiddle of my karaoke..

Kakarrot's son..

So another worm has come here to die?

Hmph, do as you like, you freak!

I am a freak?

Not so. I am a devil!

Gohan, here's a Senzu! Eat!

Pic.. colo-san?


Oh, it's like beingbrought back to life!

Piccolo, it's so good that you've come!

If I hadn't gotten that Senzu,I'd have snuffed it for sure!

I heard the call betweenyou and Kaio-sama.

It's a shame I couldn'tuse Instantaneous Movement.

I've never sensedanything like this before.

The Ki I feel is soincredible it's like trembling.

You guys sure got yourselves oneawesome freak of an opponent, didn't you?

Trunks, here's a Senzu.

It's finally here. This planetonly has a few more hours of life.

Vegeta, your terror of death willend at that time as well. Be grateful.

You know, it's a goodthing Piccolo has a rocket.

You could have gotten off justbeing killed like good boys,

you didn't have to meetwith such a painful fate!

I'll give you credit forbeing every bit Saiyans.


It's no use, it's over!

What are you babbling about!?

If you've got time tosulk around, then fight!

I-it's no use!Don't you guys understand!?

What kind of Saiyan prince are you?

L-let me go!

Guys, run away! We can't win!

Anywhere we run,it's the same thing.

If we don't defeat him,it's the end of the universe!

We cannot possibly win. He is theLegendary Super Saiyan, after all!

If you've lost that much heart, then getlost, and don't show your face again!

Why is it?

Why is it they're facingoff against him?

Why? Why do they fight?When there's no way they can win, why?

We're going to be killed!

I may be tough, but thatguy is really something else!

Come on, take it easy!

What does 'easy' mean?

You cursed fools!






What was that just now?

A lower-class warrioris fighting, and yet..

I am Vegeta!!

Stop dawdling around!


The Saiyan Prince Vegetais your opponent now!

Hmph! I'm not going tolet you die so easily!


Finished yet?

Finished, all right.Scum is, after all, scum.

This planet only hasseveral hours of life left.

Now that I have lost my controlover you, you'll just hold me back.

It saddens me to do this, but Broli,

you are to die heretogether with this planet.

This planet willvanish very soon.

Where are you going?

I-I'm preparing to seekshelter together with you!

In a single- seat pod?

To be killed by one's own child-isthis also the destiny of a Saiyan?

Did you think it would take theexplosion of a planet for me to die?

You scum, are you still alive?

I must not allow him to survivelike this! I must not lose!

Well, come on! This will bethe place where you die!


Dammit! Give Son your power!


Give me power! Give methe power to defeat him!


W-who is giving Kakarrot,of all people..



I can't lose! Give me more!

It's gotta be this way,or it wouldn't be any fun!

It's no use, Kakarrot!

W-we can't win!

Die hard, will you!?

Stop, Kakarrot!

T-the prince does not givethe lower class warrior..

Give me power..The power to defeat this guy.



I-I beg you!


Power! The power todefeat this guy!

Give me power!!

I am the prince ofthe Saiyans!

I am the prince! Who am Ito give the likes of you..

Who am I to give the likes of you!?

You've lasted well, but it looksas though the end has finally come.

Give me power..Power to defeat him..

Give me power!!

I am the one who is thePrince of the Sayans!


What kind of guy is this?

I ain't letting you getaway with this!

Who am I to give the likes of you?



Father, win!

No matter how much power youabsorb from those small fries,

you cannot overcome me!

We'll see.. You neverknow until you try!

You ain't getting away with this!

I definitely ain't lettingyou get away with this!


Our powers have won!

What's this!?

- Hold on, hold on..- Where do you think you're?

Goku, glad you could make it!

Goku, my gratitude.

Gohan, Spring Break is already over!This is all your fault, Goku-sa!

Chichi, my hobbies arereading and sports!



Chichi! Hey, Chichi!


Chichi! Chichi!

On Earth, it is theheight of a calm spring.

Hot Fight, Fierce Fight,Super Violent Fight, Z!

Hot Fight, Fierce Fight,Super Violent Fight, Z!

Hot Fight, Fierce Fight,Super Violent Fight, Z!

Hot Fight, Fierce Fight,Super Violent Fight, Z!

SOS, just like it alwaysdoes, my turn has come

Once I go, it will be all right,I'll count on you to back me up

Smashing through the danger of the giantapproaching comet, my spirits take flame!

And I burn, and I burn, justbarely before the pinch, I burn!

And I burn, and I burn, hot bloodcomes to a boil, and I burn up!

Hot Fight, Fierce Fight,Super Violent Fight, Z!

Hot Fight, Fierce Fight,Super Violent Fight,

Burning fight! Burning fight!My red blood is all fired up!

And I burn, and I burn, just likelightning strikes with a blast, I burn up!

Hot Fight, Fierce Fight,Super Violent Fight, Z!

Hot Fight, Fierce Fight,Super Violent Fight, Z!